Introducing Minsuk Yoon: Lithium Finance Ambassador
Lithium Finance is proud to introduce to the community its first Ambassador — Minsuk Yoon.
Minsuk is a passionate member of Lithium’s official Telegram group and in the Korean group. He has shown his knowledge and passion for Lithium by helping our local community members to learn about Lithium and produced educational videos and blogs to let the Korean crypto crowds know more about the project. (Check out his Lithium video here!).
Minsuk will start his Lithium Ambassador journey right away, and he will be helping the Lithium team promote the project in Korea locally. He will also contribute not just on the community front but also to support the overall Lithium ecosystem. Our entire team feels excited about Minsuk joining as an Ambassador and looking forward to working with him.
We believe the announcement of Minsuk is a nice way to kick start our Ambassador Program, and our communities can expect more Ambassadors will be named in the near future. Read more about the Ambassador Program and apply here.
David Lighton, Co-founder of Lithium Finance, said,
“Community has been an important part of Lithium since early days, and our communities have been growing with us along the way. We are glad to see our effort has come fruitful as we have our first Lithium Ambassador onboard. The team is looking forward to working with Minsuk and other upcoming Ambassadors.”
“I am lucky to find an innovative project like Lithium finance. I’m committed to doing my best to let people know the true value of the project and help to showcase the real potential of Lithium” said Minsuk.
About Lithium Finance
Lithium Finance is the first collective-intelligence pricing oracle to give precise and timely pricing on private, illiquid assets. It rewards analysts who provide truthful information and punish those who offer false pricing data. As a result, Lithium’s users obtain pricing for all hard-to-value assets such as pre-IPO stocks, private equity, and other illiquid assets effectively.