Lithium Finance Product Update #2: Question Bidding & Answer Delivery Infrastructure

Lithium Finance
2 min readOct 27, 2021


We are excited to provide another update to our community on the progress of our internal September product testing. It has been an eventful and exciting few weeks, and the team has been working tirelessly at testing the internal beta ahead of our scheduled public beta.

Where we are now?

Since our last update, we have focused on our development efforts on the question bidding and answer delivery infrastructure.

This bidding mechanism will allow Wisdom Seekers to place bids and receive time-sensitive pricing results on a tiered system ahead of other Wisdom Seekers in the pool.

In summary, Wisdom Seekers can choose to bid and join one of the following slots:

  • 1st slot (to receive immediate access to the answers)
  • 2nd slot (to receive answers 1 hour after the 1st slot)
  • 3rd slot (to receive answers 2 hours after the 1st slot)

If a Wisdom Seeker didn’t bid, he would receive the answers at the time when the answer is available to the public without any time advantage.

Note that Wisdom Seekers decide when to bid for time-sensitive answers and have the option to choose against deploying bids to less time-sensitive queries. This is a unique way to increase platform activity while also increasing Wisdom Nodes’ bounties.

Overall, we are very excited at the product’s scope and look forward to sharing the public beta with the community as soon as we are ready. Since our last update, we have made good progress on internal testing and have shifted most of our focus to refining the product’s feature sets for this release, product UI improvements, and interface clean-up.

Expect more announcements and product updates soon!

About Lithium Finance

Lithium Finance is the first collective-intelligence pricing oracle to give precise and timely pricing on private, illiquid assets. It rewards analysts who provide truthful information and punish those who offer false pricing data. As a result, Lithium’s users obtain pricing for all hard-to-value assets such as pre-IPO stocks, private equity, and other illiquid assets effectively.

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